Where did the week go? We had some large events to cover this past week and this afternoon we can sit back and go, "Whew". The biggest event in terms of trepidation was yesterday. We were asked to teach together a family home evening for the Primary children and their families at a Primary activity for Kaiserslautern Ward. It was to teach the Plan of Salvation, with handouts so the children could later teach the same lesson in their homes. We had 3 groups, 15 minutes each. Even though our responsibilities are quite weighty in terms of who we meet with, those Primary children had us in consternation. How could little children do that? We were both glad when it was over. And it went well we think. At least they didn't throw us out.
On Friday where we were working as volunteers for the Wounded Warrior Ministry, Bruce had the chance to give a review of the plans for the very large service project to the senior chaplain over the Landstuhl Regional Medical Center. It was an "on the spot" opportunity but he was prepared because he expected that it could happen. So he showed the chaplains and other staff how the project would proceed.(See newsletter for May 25th for description of this project). Anyway, 40 tons of a contribution to the Wounded Warrior Ministry need to be sorted, labeled, re-boxed,etc. The stake is marshaling its ranks and anyone interested in helping and Bruce is in charge. It will be in celebration of Pioneer Day on July 26th. It is going well.
We made up some brochures on the Church to give to the chaplains around the bases/posts here in the Kaiserslautern military community. The brochure was approved by the stake presidency. It has meeting times, maps, directions, bishop's names and phone numbers, information about the Institute, etc. When members of the Church inquire where we have meetings the chaplains now have something to hand to them. We hope they get into the hands of those who want to know. We appreciate the chaplains being willing to hand them out; cooperation.
The last big job was for Bruce to speak today in Heidelberg. He did very well. It was probably the best talk I have heard him give. 'Wish you all could have been there; inspiration.
This coming week should be pretty normal. Plans will continue with the service project with ordering of supplies and advertising to all the wards and branches. Several questions still need to be worked out - food? parking? time? etc., etc.(finalization).
We are planning our meals and desserts to serve at the Institute Outreach Center and we will shop for that tomorrow morning; spaghetti. If you have any recipes that you love that are economical to fix and will feed at least 20, please share (extraction):
Speaking of Italian food, there are some great Italian restaurants in Landstuhl that are owned and run by Italians. They know how to cook! That is one of my favorite things about being here - Italian food! I know. But I love German schokolade (chocolate); perfection.
Thanks for all your prayers and interest in us. We are doing great. At times we have a nice slow-down in our pace and we rejuvenate and re-energize. It is amazing how organized one can get under pressure. We get so much more done! (Regeneration)
Have a great week. Sorry about too much information!
Sister (and Elder)Karn
Forty tons of a DONATION needing classification.