YPMs singing "Frog Kissin' "
The show "Sunset on the Mississippi" is over for the season and the 40 Young Performing Missionaries are leaving on Tuesday. They have added fun and great entertainment to Nauvoo and they will be missed, especially by the senior missionaries. They have made us feel younger. The interesting thing about these missionaries is even though they are called as full time missionaries for the 3 1/2 months they are here, they must audition for their roles. Twenty of them play in the Nauvoo Brass Band and the other twenty dance and sing on stage. All of them are college students with either music or a perfoming major. Out of the approximately 1000 applicants auditioning, 40 made it. They are all very talented and upbeat. Anyway, "Sunset" has been a fun show. Here are some photos highlighting parts of the show.
May your summer finish with a similar bang! We are having great fun here. Pam's allergies have been wicked but we seem to see some light at the end of the tunnel. Big things are happening at home and we miss being with family. Yet, we love being missionaries and will savor every moment to the last.
Elder and Sister Karn